Sunday, September 7, 2008

Heart Of The Country

I had the craziest dream last night. I was watching a United States platoon run through the jungles of Vietnam. No one was shooting but they were all running for their lives. A lone, gigantic hanger erupts out of the ground in front of them. The platoon changes into South American guerilla warriors and bust into the compound. A Columbian drug cartel dressed like gangsters and spies in Casablanca open fire on the guerillas. At this point I go from watcher of the dream to active participant with a first person view as one of the guerillas. I take cover behind a large crate as a couple gansters standing on the wing of a parked plane open fire on me. One of the gangsters takes his hat off and mops his brow, taunting me. I stand up to fire and catch a bundle of bullets in my chest. I can feel each one thud inside me. I turn and catch a few more in my right arm at the elbow. I immediately drop the the ground. I think "This is it" as I stare at the ceiling. My vision begins to tunnel and I can feel life leaving me like a great weight being pulled out of my chest. I accept death for an instant. Then I push against death and light fills my eyes and my thoughts yell "No! Not yet!"

I wake up. True story.

My sister says every meat log is a good meat log. She had her friends over. They showed up as I was watching tennis. My sister asked if the match I was watching was important. Like a dick, I said something around "No, NBC just plays stuff nobody wants to watch. They play meaningless matches." "You are always going to to treat me like your little sister, aren't you?" she responds. My dad said that to me recently during a lunch with the two of them. I think it's still ringing in her ears.

I watched Time Bandits and In The Line of Fire. Both real pieces of work. Eastwood didn't direct Fire because he was worn out from everything involving Unforgiven. He just wanted to act. So Wolfgang Peterson took over. That movie is awesome. Back when Fred Thompson was cool. Like in The Hunt for Red October. I always thought Fred Thompson looked a lot like that Viggo dude in the painting from Ghostbusters 2. There are a few scenes on Air Force One in Fire. Can see the seeds of that movie being planted in Wolfgang. Time Bandits is incredible by the way. A bunch of dwarfs that headed the shrubs development department at the beginning of time steal a map from god that shows them how to travel through rips in time space. They aim to become international bandits with it. What starts with them stealing the golden hand off a blacked-out Napoleon leads them to fighting a battle against the Devil. And it all wraps up with a George Harrison song. He produced the movie as well.

Ram is a very good album. It is Paul McCartney's first solo album. It is actually credited to Paul and Linda McCartney. My friend Abe marveled that I recognized the album when he played it. It seems we are the only two people at the age of 22 who know about it. We weren't 22 then.

This guy does be best covers of Beatles related stuff. Here is one from Ram:

That is what I was able to deduce.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Way to go, Idaho

The Chinese are at it again. They forgot the mustard.

I have been blasting Beck's Modern Guilt into my brain since it came out. Acquired during one of my many visits/stays at JT's while everyone who actually lives there was working. In fact, whenever JT was not blasting his own tunes, I would take over and play one of two songs.

1. Gamma Ray
2. Chemtrails

After months of playing these two songs exclusively on his computer, JT deleted the album to make room for comedy recordings. I guess JT can help out victims of Katrina and Gustov but helping a brother out and playing music he does not like through his computer is too much. What a towering dick.

It's ok, I got over it quick because I have drugs. In a few weeks I'll do a bunch more in between doing more drugs. That is just the way drugs work. You do them when you have nothing to do or something really cool to do. And for the rest you do drugs.

I was crying like a strong man should while watching Cinema Paradiso for the first time. Started watching a half an hour into it too. In those circumstances I almost always change the channel. I'm Woody Allen in Annie Hall complaining about how the movie has already started. It's film freak bullshit that no one should put up with because when are we ever going to see this movie again? Found it on TV by accident to begin with, so why waste this opportunity? What an excellent chronicle of someone's life lived through and dictated by movies. The Dreamers is a child of this movie, though Paradiso is about the heartbreak of an entire life while Dreamers is the heartbreak of youth. Both are about how great it is to go to the movies. To yell and scream. To recite it line for line like an old poem.

Go to the movies, people. I guarantee My Big Fat Greek Wedding will never play as good as it did in a packed theatre. Snakes On A Plane either. Hell, I drank a pitcher of beer and bottle of Jack and Coke to help me through watching Rush Hour 3 with a packed opening day audience. Was anybody else excited that Max Von Sydow reprized his role from Minority Report?

I have not seen the previous installments of Rush Hour, but I do like this:

So I watched Cinema Paradiso, Office Space, and half of Go. I turned to it as Timothy Olyphant yells at Katie Holmes and asks her if she is a virgin. "Answer the question, Claire!" Katie guesses right that its the Breakfast Club. What a match.

Now tell your dog to go get your slippers.